That love and care is passed on when I serve a bowl of soup.
A few months ago I was in desperate need of a new soup ladle. The handle broke off of the ladle I was using and it was time to purchase something special. Scrolling through instagram I noticed Stephanie from Feathers Edge posted beautiful copper ladles and I knew that one of these would be perfect for soups.
I like to create traditions for my daughters when cooking and baking. I also believe that as we cook and bake for others, if we do it with intention, that intention gets passed to the person receiving the food.
Next thing I was doing? I made soup for my daughters and as I was adding the sausage and carrots I thought about the care and love that the artisan put into making this copper ladle. (Intention). I too was focused with love for my daughters while cooking. As I think of serving them, I think about them serving their children as they use the same ladle or a new similar copper ladle. (Tradition)
On my daily ‘To Do’ list, recipes, dinners and any gathering in the kitchen, I attempt to stop, take a deep breath and think of my intention, ponder on the craftsmanship in my cooking tools and wonder how I can too, help my friends and family receive more love and care through food.