2024 Interior Design Summer Trends: Embracing the Great Outdoors

As summer 2024 approaches, interior design trends are shifting away from traditional beach-inspired decor and embracing a more outdoorsy, nature-centric aesthetic. This year, I’ve been noticing the focus on bringing the tranquility and vibrancy of the great outdoors into our homes. Here’s a look at the key trends that will define interiors this summer.

1. Biophilic Design

Biophilic design, which emphasizes the connection between humans and nature, is gaining even more momentum. You've probably seen more than a few interiors that incorporate natural elements such as indoor plants, water features, and ample natural light. Large windows, skylights, and open floor plans blur the line between indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a harmonious environment that promotes well-being and relaxation.

2. Natural Materials & Organic Textures

Natural materials are at the forefront of 2024’s summer trends. I personally love how wood, stone, rattan, and bamboo can be used extensively to create a rustic yet sophisticated look. Furniture made from reclaimed wood, stone countertops, and woven baskets are also popular choices. Furthermore, organic textures such as linen, jute, and wool are also being used to add depth and interest to interiors. I find that textured rugs, linen curtains, and jute cushions are simple yet effective ways to incorporate this trend. These materials not only add texture and warmth but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly home.

3. Earthy Color Palettes

This summer, I see a lot of earthy color palettes that reflect the beauty of nature. Shades of green, brown, terracotta, and ochre will be prevalent, creating a serene and grounded atmosphere. These colors can be incorporated through paint, textiles, and accessories, providing a cohesive and calming environment.

4. Outdoor-Inspired Furniture

Furniture designs are taking inspiration from outdoor living. Expect to see pieces that resemble outdoor furniture but are adapted for indoor use. Think wicker chairs, wooden benches, and hammocks that bring a sense of adventure and relaxation into living rooms and bedrooms. This trend encourages a laid-back, informal vibe that is perfect for summer.

5. Japanese Influence & Wellness Features: When it comes to interiors, I often love the route of simplicity and natural harmony, a common sentiment of Japanese design. This includes the hybrid Japandi style, which merges Japanese minimalism with Scandinavian functionality. Elements like "wabi-sabi" and "zen gardens" are also seeing increased interest. This could be explained by the growing focus on wellness within the home. Features such as cold plunges, indoor saunas, and home spas are trending but for more day-to-day wellness, enhancing natural light with large windows and skylights is a great way to bask in the joys and relaxation of summer.


Summer 2024 interior design trends are all about embracing the great outdoors. By incorporating natural materials, earthy color palettes, and outdoor-inspired furniture, you can create a serene and inviting space that captures the essence of nature. Whether through biophilic design or wildlife-inspired decor, these timeless trends offer a refreshing way to enjoy the beauty of summer from the comfort of your home.

Suzanne Molt