Bathroom Lighting: Bright Ideas for Your Personal Space

Bathroom lighting plays a crucial role in both the functionality and ambiance of your space. Whether you're getting ready for the day or winding down at night, the right lighting can make all the difference.

Beyond the functionality of good lighting, I find that lighting dramatically affects the mood and ambiance of a room. The right lighting can make your bathroom feel like a luxurious spa, while inadequate lighting can make it feel cramped and uninviting.

Here are some tips I use to help you achieve the perfect bathroom lighting setup.

Bathroom Lighting Tips & Trends

Overall Lighting

Start with a good base layer of overall lighting. You can achieve this with ceiling-mounted fixtures or recessed lighting. A well-lit bathroom is essential, but it’s important to avoid overly harsh lighting that can create an unwelcoming atmosphere. As a rule of thumb, I aim for soft, diffused light that evenly illuminates the entire space.

Wall-Mounted Lighting

One of the biggest challenges I notice frequently in bathroom lighting is avoiding shadows, especially when it comes to task lighting around the mirror. Shadows can make tasks like shaving, applying makeup, or brushing teeth more difficult.

Lighting from the wall is a great way to prevent shadows. Placing fixtures on either side of your mirror provides even illumination across your face, eliminating the shadows that often result from overhead lighting. This setup is far more effective than a single light above the mirror, which can cast unflattering shadows and make daily grooming tasks a hassle.

Decorative Lighting: Chandeliers and Pendants

For those looking to add a touch of elegance to their bathroom, chandeliers or pendant lights can be a fantastic option. Hanging chandeliers provide both ambient light and a decorative focal point. If your bathroom doesn’t have enough wall space for side mirror sconces, pendants can serve as an excellent alternative. Hang them on either side of the mirror to achieve balanced, shadow-free lighting.

LED Lighted Mirrors

A current trend in bathroom design is the use of LED lighted mirrors. These mirrors integrate lighting directly into their design, offering a sleek and modern look while providing excellent illumination for grooming tasks. LED mirrors are energy-efficient and can be a stylish, practical addition to any bathroom. They eliminate the need for separate fixtures, freeing up space and simplifying your lighting scheme.

Pro-Tip- Bulbs make a difference. I would recommend choosing bulbs with a color temperature that complements the look and feel of your bathroom. Warm white lights (2700K-3000K) create a cozy atmosphere, while cool white lights (3500K-4100K) are better for task lighting.

Layer Your Lighting

Don’t rely on just one type of light. Layering your lighting with a combination of ambient, task, and accent lights can create a well-rounded and versatile bathroom environment. This approach allows you to adjust the lighting according to your needs, whether you're taking a relaxing bath or doing detailed grooming.

Alternatively you can use “dimmer switches,” as this stems from the multipurpose approach of layering your light. Installing dimmer switches gives you control over the light intensity, allowing you to create a bright environment for grooming or a soft, relaxing ambiance for a soak in the tub.

Revamping your bathroom lighting doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. By trying out even one of these, you can transform your bathroom into a bright, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space.

Whether you’re renovating or just making a few updates, and would like help in achieving a pleasing look and feel that also incorporates functionality, I would love to help.

You can contact me at (253)686-7065 or

Suzanne Molt